Tuesday, December 30, 2008

881 2008

wow... it's been a while =)

i bet you're all wondering what i've been up to recently (yeah right haha). so~ here we go~

last i left you, i had just moved into my place here at school, which, while quite spacious, is starting to feel much more cozy after moving all my furniture in ^^ one thing i can never seem to have enough of is desk space though... i don't know why, but i just like keeping stuff on my desk... easy access, i guess, just like how i used to have about 200 icons on my windows desktop haha

i'd like to say that i was busy studying this whole time, which is why i haven't really updated, but i'm sure you all know that that really isn't the case :P the first quarter of school has gone by already, and i (barely) passed my classes with the exception of anatomy, for which i will have to retake the first midterm since i failed it by 1 question the first time around.... 討厭.. haha
speaking of anatomy... one of our professors for anatomy was the editor for gray's anatomy (the actual anatomy atlas, not the tv show) and he was having wayyy too much fun dissecting dead bodies.. -_-;; it was kind of eerie how comfortable he was with them. tell me if i'm wrong, but most people would find touching their face (with gloves) after touching a dead body (with the same gloves) kind of nasty... and licking your fingers to turn the pages of an anatomy atlas that's open on top of a dead body..... not ok right!?!? well... our professor is most likely in his 80s by now, so i guess it can't kill you... but it still grosses the @#*$# out of me.

so anatomy was probably my biggest concern during the fall, but with that (kind of) out of the way, i went into winter break with a bang. or rather with a blehhhh ><

i got drunk (drunk) for the first time... ever... and i totally did not expect it, even though i should have since i didn't eat anything at all that day, but not like i've ever gotten drunk because of that before... so after our last final, me and some classmates went out to drink... around 6pm we go to damon & pythias's happy hour... i downed about 2.5 beers... 6:50ish we leave to try to go to some other place's happy hour, but some of us (myself included) head to tomodachi zushi to get some food, or rather, sake bombs... by this time i am feeling it.. a little more than i usually do, but no alarms go off in my mind... 7:45ish we go to brew co where i have a kamikaze.... and at this point, i honestly have to admit my memory is failing me. i only remember bits and pieces of what happened after that... i guess by around 8:30 i was feeling pretty tired or whatever, and i decide to go home. apparently i can walk perfectly fine... and i remember walking a friend back to his place before heading back to mine... and honestly i have to say i don't remember what path i took to get back home. all i remember is fumbling with the keypad to enter my room. apparently, i called a friend too, and, apparently, i talk in taiwanese when i am drunk. i guess i'm a true fob at heart haha
so.... here is where all hell breaks loose, i get into my door and wow... i can't stand up anymore... and i honestly don't remember much except puking and taking a bath and.... i guess that's about it... let's just say it was not pretty the next day... worse yet is nobody knows i was so messed up haha, so they all think i can still drink the next day ^^;;; nope. didn't happen =)

so after about a week or two of abstaining from alcohol, i seem to have recovered (or rather, better than recovered =P) from my fear of alcohol. haha

winding down to the end of 2008... i cannot believe how easily my parents spend money now compared with when i was a little kid haha... over winter break, our family bought... 2 tvs (52" and 40" LCD), blu-ray player, ps3, rock band ii for ps3, a hd camcorder, and a computer. probably none of which we really needed... gosh... it's not even his birthday and my brother reaps the benefits of all these gifts haha... when i was little i'd be lucky if i got a lego set on my birthday :P

this is getting to be a really long post... so i think i'll cheat and backdate this one so it looks like i have more posts in my blog :P

merry xmas!

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